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This is the book which sparked the spiritual revolution in Gandhi, and helped make him the unbelievable man he was. Gandhi raved about this book in his autobiography. First published in Germany in 1894 after being banned in Russia, this book reveals Tolstoy's world outlook after his conversion to Christianity. He argues that the Kingdom of God is within the reach of all. The core of the book deals with his non-resistance to evil, a principle Tolstoy personally advocated. Mahatma Gandhi was won over by the book and became a life long friend of Tolstoy with whom he communicated often in trying to develop his philosophy of nonviolence. Abhorring the violence of revolution, Tolstoy tells us to remember that the only guide for our actions is to be found in the divine principle dwelling within us, which in no sense can be checked or governed by anyone or anything else. This book is a great source of light in the present age and will keep the reader spellbound.
Paperback 178 pages, translated by Constance Garnett